Tag: weekly challenge
Spottin’ Blacks
More weekly challenge stuff. Focused on high-contrast faces this week to get more decisive about laying down blacks: And thanks again to everyone who came out to the workshops this week! It was great to see so many of you there. I’ve posted my lecture notes from the Freelance Badassery talk on Tumblr if you wanna … Continue reading Spottin’ Blacks
New Year, New Hats, New News!
Hello everyone! It’s 2013! Isn’t that crazy? I think so. This year was my first as a Real Live Cartoonist, and it’s been a hell of a ride. I was about to start writing a list of all the stuff that happened, but I got exhausted just thinking about it. Let’s just say A Lot … Continue reading New Year, New Hats, New News!
50 Ears
Keepin’ on with those weekly challenges, here’s 50 Ears! This week’s new one is 50 Hats, so keep an eye out for those in the near future.