Tag: words
Double Dipping
Recurrent vocabulary.
I know I’ve truly learned a new word when my brain chants the syllables over and over in a gleeful hymn of recognition the first time I spot a chance to use it in the wild. Brumous, brumous, brumous, brumous, brumous, brumous, brumous…
The Lexicon
I was in high school when I started my first list of unknown words. It happened because I was tired of acing vocab quizzes in English class without having to study, and that was happening because I was a precocious kid who read a lot of books and seemed unable to stop adding to her … Continue reading The Lexicon
New Comic: Definitely-Not-Filthy Sailing Terms
Another week, another new comic over on The Nib! I decided to settle the matter of people always asking me about these perfectly innocent nautical terms. Seriously you guys, there’s nothing dirty about a Lubber’s Hole at all. Read the comic and all will be revealed.