Tag: work
…After These Messages
Who is the self who’s emerging from this season of my life?
I’m suspicious of why I’m doing this.
Doing It Anyway
Although it’s been one of Those Days, I’m excited to say that I’m finally through to the backend on my first story for Symbolia Magazine! Here’s the whole thing all tinylike (no spoilers!) before I print it out and start inking. After spending all this time researching uniforms and protocol and environments and guns (oh … Continue reading Doing It Anyway
Here’s a little Avatar-themed commission I wrapped up for someone recently.
Slow and Steady
I’ve been chugging away at my weekly sketch challenges via the Artistic Veggies blog — a project I started to get people in on the 50-100 body parts a week train. If anyone wants to join in on the latest round, we’re doing 50 Ears. In the meantime, here’s 50 Noses and 50 Shoes. Got … Continue reading Slow and Steady
Before I pass out and forget everything, I need to throw this information somewhere for posterity. I arrived on campus with a bagel and some coffee (rare for me) this morning at 9am. I just got home 10 minutes ago. In the intervening 15.5 hours I… – Read 120 pages of Rousseau’s political writings – … Continue reading Mondays