The Owl Neck Problem

When is it going to be enough?

Heroics (Addendum)

I’m becoming increasingly wary of any label that obscures our reliance on one another and denies us our wholeness as human beings.

Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!

This is broadly a discussion about websites and trying to be yourself on the internet, but we also managed to talk about The Muppets, book design, 1970s British television, generative poetry, and at least two types of cheese.

XOXO Livesketches

  This past weekend I had the exceptional pleasure of being hired by Medium to live sketch all the speakers at XOXO, an annual arts and technology festival run by my pals Andy Baio and Andy McMillan here in Portland. I’d heard great things about XOXO in the past, but this was my first opportunity … Continue reading XOXO Livesketches

That's all! Go home!