Heads up, Portland friends! I’ll be tabling at the Portland Zine Symposium’s AmaZine Fest THIS SATURDAY (June 23rd) at the IPRC (1001 SE Division). The general idea for the event is a Farmer’s Market for zinesters, so come on down pick up a fine selection of fresh-pressed comics and zines. I’ll have Baggywrinkles 1 & 2 on hand.

What else is new in Lucyland? Well, after selling out of all my backstock at VanCAF, I’ve been facing a reprint avalanche of older titles on top of the new True Believer run. In the last three weeks I’ve printed, hand-punched, and sewn 500 copies of Baggywrinkles, cleaned up, laid out, and printed the first edition of Wherefore, and spent hours figuring out how best to prepare True Believer for the offset printing process.

I’m also gearing up to do a new run of Tales from the Fragment, which is the most labor-intensive comic I’ve made to date. Each copy needs to be scored in 13 places, cut out by hand, and folded into its final form. What was I thinking when I made this thing?!
More progress by the numbers…
I’ve painted a boat a day for over a week (here’s a sampler)…

Sketched in 45 special edition comics (more samples)…

Pinned 150 buttons to bits of card stock…

Printed and packaged 9 oversized prints and three original pages…

AND cooked one backer dinner.

Remember, kids: real cartoonists eat vegetables for breakfast.
To wrap up, I’m currently in conversation with Portland’s own Modified Printing about the run of FIGHT FOR YOUR ART t-shirts, which is getting exciting, and I’m finally moving ahead with quotes from various offset printers for True Believer.
Of course, to top it off I got mega sick this week, so bear with me while I try to stop looking like this:
And on that cheery note, I’ll see you all next week! Stay heathy, comics lovers.
absolutely love the boats 🙂