Blogs on Blogs

I got to have an extensive chat with Manu Moreale a couple months ago for his People & Blogs series, which is a lovely project showcasing folks writing online and maintaining their own sites. It was a fun opportunity to examine my own blogging practice as a historical artifact (oh god, my first travel blog from 2007 is still online), financial expenditure (writing here costs me $35 a month?), and philosophical calling card (“From a branding perspective, it sometimes feels like a disaster. But I think that’s okay! A blog isn’t a billboard, it’s a garden. It can be a space for everything.”).

I’m also reproducing the following section in full because I do think everyone should know about these quality humans:

Time for some recommendations: any blog you think is worth checking out? And also, who do you think I should be interviewing next?

  • I have a huge creative peer crush on fellow cartoonist-with-blog Reimena Yee (Especially this sprawling portrait of her work and influences.)
  • Mandy Brown’s blog, A Working Library, makes me add books to my to-read list faster than anything else—and it’s lovely to look at
  • Reading Rob Wychert’s ongoing log of his site redesign makes me wish I knew more about building websites
  • Anna Iltnere is an absolute icon who’s been stewarding a growing library of sea-related books out of her home in Latvia for years
  • Sumana Harihareswara’s clarity and pragmatism are bracing, but also deeply human
  • Brendan Jerich is a good egg