Tag: baggywrinkles: a lubber’s guide to life at sea
Baggywrinkles Ebooks are Live!
Dearest Bags and Wrinkles: I am so, so, SO excited to announce that the ebook edition of Baggywrinkles: a Lubber’s Guide to Life at Sea is now available for purchase! If you supported the Kickstarter campaign, you can find a download code to get the files for free in this update, otherwise it’s $7 for a bundle of … Continue reading Baggywrinkles Ebooks are Live!
Baggywrinkles Now LIVE on Kickstarter!
The day is finally here, friends! Baggywrinkles: A Lubber’s Guide to Life at Sea just launched on Kickstarter and it’s time to get this sucker made. If you’re already on board and you wanna get straight to the business, here’s the page! Wait, what’s a Baggywrinkle? A Baggywrinkle is furry, cylindrical device used for preventing chafing between … Continue reading Baggywrinkles Now LIVE on Kickstarter!
T-1 Week to the Baggywrinkles Kickstarter!
Ahoy, friends! I am so, so excited to announce that Baggywrinkles: A Lubber’s Guide to Life at Sea will be hitting Kickstarter July 20th. What is Baggywrinkles, you ask? Why, it’s my educational, autobiographical comic series about living aboard an 18th century tall ship! You can read the first five issues online for free, and check … Continue reading T-1 Week to the Baggywrinkles Kickstarter!