2023 in Reading

Someone said they had a hunch I went through books “like food,” which is true. “A book a month?” someone suggested. I looked shifty. “A book a week?!”

I had to pull up this list to check.

Four Reading Rhymes

“You’re a phantom in both worlds and a god of sorts in the world that is not exactly the one the author wrote but some hybrid of her imagination and yours.”

A Blaze of Kindness

“We learn by imitation: it’s easy to say these things, but to see them in action, in much harder circumstances than we will ever face, is a far greater help. And to see them exemplified by real, flawed, complicated people like us is better still; they are not fairly-tale ideals, they are achievable. Real people achieved them.”

The Society of Split Minds

Maybe this is a sign I’m turning into my father as I age, but I’ve really embraced the art of reading in the loo.

2022 in Reading

Everything I read in 2022 with next-to-no commentary at all.


We can always be the catalyst for someone’s next foray into joy.

Just the Thicket

I love this game of finding out that people I admire know other people I admire.


Someone to put on the kettle.


I just know that when I read it I felt personally attacked in that good, awful way that means something true is surfacing.


Just one of those weeks where every time I feel overwhelmed I start reading another book.

That's all! Go home!