Tag: Canada
VanCAF 2017 is Here!
It’s time, once again, for everyone’s favorite West Coast Canadian Comic Arts Festival: VanCAF! Yes indeed, I’ll be appearing at the Roundhouse Community Center in Vancouver, B.C. this weekend from 10am to 5pm (both days). You can find the Bellwood Comics Empire at Table I2 in the Gymnasium. I’ll have a bunch of Baggywrinkles books, Life … Continue reading VanCAF 2017 is Here!
So. Wow. TCAF and VanCAF. Holy cannoli what an amazing couple of shows. Sold out of basically everything, met a ton of new fans and familiar faces, moderated my first panel, hung out with some incredible creators, ate delicious food, and just generally dissolved in a giant pool of happiness and gratitude that I get … Continue reading TCAF/VanCAF Recap
VanCAF This Weekend!
Hey Vancouver! I’m headed back to Canada this weekend for VanCAF, which means more fun with Canadian pals and more chances for you come see some awesome cartoonists conveniently gathered under one roof FO’ FREE! You can find me at Table E7 in the Roundhouse Community Centre in Yaletown on Saturday (10am – 6pm) and … Continue reading VanCAF This Weekend!
Great news, Canada! You can find me slinging comics this weekend at the ever-so-fabulous Toronto Comic Arts Festival. It remains far and away my favorite show of 2013 and I’m sure this year will be even more excellent than the last. For starters I have so many more comics to share with you than I … Continue reading TCAF TCAF TCAF
VanCAF This Weekend!
Get ready, Canada. There’s a wave of fabulous Portlanders headed your way this weekend for the impeccable show that is VanCAF! I had an incredible time at this show last year, so I’m really excited to be heading up again to celebrate with all my Canadian comics buddies. I hope you’ll join us! That this … Continue reading VanCAF This Weekend!
Waterlogged: Tales from the Seventh Sea
Really exciting news this week: Waterlogged, the 200-page anthology of nautical comics I contributed to last year, is finally going to print! If you read this blog, I assume you share some of my enthusiasm for all things oceanic, so this is probably the collection for you. The stories cover everything from pirates and sailors … Continue reading Waterlogged: Tales from the Seventh Sea
Vancouver Maritime Museum Installation
Some of you may recall I was doing some illustration work for the Vancouver Maritime Museum last month. Their Art of the Sailor exhibit opened this week, and Alina Anghel (of the Vancouver Trolley Company Blog) was kind enough to snap a photo of my giant poster on the wall!  The exhibit runs through October, so … Continue reading Vancouver Maritime Museum Installation
New Comic – Navy Ink
Those of you who follow me on various platforms around the Internet will doubtless know that I drew a little silent, supernatural story for Cloudscape Comics last month. Their full, ocean-themed anthology won’t be out till next year (boo), but they’ve been kind enough to let me share the story with you here on my site … Continue reading New Comic – Navy Ink
VanCAF is Here! (And I Am Still Terrible at Blogging.)
News Item #1: I’M IN CANADA! As promised, I’ll be tabling at the first ever Vancouver Comic Arts Festival tomorrow and Sunday at the Roundhouse Mews in downtown Vancouver, B.C. I’ve made a handy map so none of you is in the least bit confused about where I’ll be located. My fabulous tablemates are Sam … Continue reading VanCAF is Here! (And I Am Still Terrible at Blogging.)