A Current Impasse

How can I reconcile how excited I am by this project—how tangled up in the joy of designing new characters and solving page layouts like crossword puzzles every morning—with how utterly depleted and depressed and grief-riddled I am in the rest of my life?

Making Noisy into Quiet

“I don’t really care what I’m doing for money so long as I can write. And not write like I want a job writing copy, write like I sit down most days in my underwear and make noisy into quiet.”

I Didn’t Come Here to Make Enemies

Craft and queerness. “Yes, And”. Forage for what feeds you, leave the rest.

Visual Dispatch #3

Start where you are with what you have (but keep an eye on where you’ve been so you can figure out where you want to go).

The Absence of Poetry

If we could just—just stop. For one year. If everybody could stop publishing their poems. No more. Stop it. Just—everyone. Every poet. Just stop. But of course that’s totally unfair to the poets who are just starting out. This may be their “wunderjahr.” This may be the year that they really find their voice. And … Continue reading The Absence of Poetry

Brace, Ebb, Theft

When I make light of this season—either because I’m afraid of it, or embarrassed that it’s happening to me, or something else—I rob myself of the chance to feel my way through into whatever comes next.

Visual Dispatch #2

“A series of revelations that are emergent from action.”

Pay to Play

What happens to a creative practice when you proactively divorce it from capitalism?

A Donut

On April 16th, 2018, a friend of mine began a 100 Day Project—a collection of self portraits in ink, framed as a meditation on gender. The tiny illustrations began to pile up: two weeks, 100 days, a year. They kept drawing. At 862, they stopped sharing to Instagram, but said they would probably keep going … Continue reading A Donut

The Ritual is the Cab

There’s a paragraph from Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit that lodged firmly in my brain when I first read it in college. (I loaned my copy of the book to a friend years ago and it was only recently returned it to me, so this is the first chance I’ve had to go back and … Continue reading The Ritual is the Cab

That's all! Go home!