Linework NW This Sunday

Hey Portland! I’m making a hometown appearance at Linework NW this weekend. This fantastic indie comics and illustration festival boasts a unique format with two completely different sets of exhibitors Saturday and Sunday. This means you can only find me there on Sunday (at Table 24B), but should totally show up both days to take full advantage … Continue reading Linework NW This Sunday

The Cartozia Tales Kickstarter is LIVE

You’ve heard me shouting about it for months and end, and now the day is finally here! The Cartozia Kickstarter Campaign has launched with an incredible outpouring of support from fans all over the world. I’m so excited to share it with you. In case you’ve missed it the last fifteen times I’ve gushed about … Continue reading The Cartozia Tales Kickstarter is LIVE

Waterlogged: Tales from the Seventh Sea

Really exciting news this week: Waterlogged, the 200-page anthology of nautical comics I contributed to last year, is finally going to print! If you read this blog, I assume you share some of my enthusiasm for all things oceanic, so this is probably the collection for you. The stories cover everything from pirates and sailors … Continue reading Waterlogged: Tales from the Seventh Sea

That's all! Go home!