Tag: dancing
The Trap
Tap dancing into the jaws of the iron maiden and right back out again.
CAKE Recap
In accordance with the Universal Law of My Rubbish Immune System, I’ve come down with a nasty post-CAKE illness, but at least I made it through the first leg of convention season with my health intact! The trip to Chicago was an absolute blast. Not only was the show full of lovely comics and new … Continue reading CAKE Recap
Posters n’ Projects
Hey everyone! Sorry things have been a little quiet around here. I’ve been holding myself to a page-a-day schedule for the past three weeks for my thesis, which is shaping up to be around 30 pages altogether. Really excited to get that posted on here, but until I make it that far I’ll be posting … Continue reading Posters n’ Projects
Slew of Stuff
Well well well. It’s been a while. I know. Believe me. But things have been happening! Good things! Some of them are even comics related! So let’s get on with that. If any of you happen to pick up a shiny copy of the IPRC’s July + August catalog in the next couple weeks, you’ll … Continue reading Slew of Stuff
Revolution (NSFW)
To tide everyone over while I scramble around for documentation of other recent projects, here’s a quick one page comic for a zine the IPRC class is putting together. The theme was “revolutions.” Churned this out in a couple hours with no reference, so on the one hand I’m proud of the bits where all … Continue reading Revolution (NSFW)