Tag: diary comics
More Good Drawer (Part 1)
Thoughts on perfectionism and learning and making do with what you’ve got.
Hourly Comic Day 2021
Hooray hooray it’s Hourly Comic Day! (Or rather, it was on February 1st.) I feel so relieved to have gotten back on the wagon after kind of falling off last year. This is my tenth year participating, and the completionist in me is slightly miffed that I don’t have a full run to collect and … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2021
Hourly Comic Day 2019
It’s here it’s here! My very favorite comics holiday! February 1st AKA Hourly Comic Day is a group activity where creators around the world illustrate the minutiae of their lives in hasty panels and sketches. Head to Instagram or Twitter and you’ll be bound to see some lovely entries under the #hourlycomicday tag. I participated … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2019
Grand Adventure: Print Edition Pre-Orders
The wait is over! I stopped by ColorHaus this morning to check out the proofs for Grand Adventure, and I can safely say these comics are going to rock your socks off. The printers have done a fantastic job replicating the watercolor and picking out papers that really make the art shine. Couldn’t be happier. … Continue reading Grand Adventure: Print Edition Pre-Orders
Monk Dreams & Diary Comics
Another dream! This one is about…school? Stress? Repressed Catholic guilt? Needing to pee? I don’t know. And a couple journal-y comics, since I’m getting in the habit. Back to the drawing board!