Redwood Live Sketches from Portland Center Stage

A selection of live sketches from the dress rehearsal of Redwood, a world premier play showing at The Armory theater in Portland.

Figure Drawing Dump

In keeping with various artistic resolutions, I’ve been making an effort to drag myself back to figure drawing on a weekly basis this year. So far so (semi-)good! Here’s a selection of pieces from the last couple sessions: I’ll try to upload batches of these periodically as I keep dragging myself in. It’s hard practice, … Continue reading Figure Drawing Dump

Figure Drawing – November

Reasons Periscope Studio is The Best Place #347: monthly figure drawing sessions! Gotta get back into that habit of doing this regularly. I really felt a difference by the end of the session.


Some sketches of Greek statues from a current exhibit at the Portland Art Museum. Extreeeeeeemely delayed portraits for Kickstarter backers. An anniversary commission. Aaand some anteaters. Because AWWW.

New Figures, Old Injuries

Somehow, I managed to re-injure myself after my neck trauma from a week or two ago, which meant a weekend of lying around on my back in a lot of pain again. I don’t like pain. I don’t like being inactive. So the minute I managed to get to the chiropractor and start healing, it … Continue reading New Figures, Old Injuries

Naked Lady Redux

Guess what? TITS! Also: comics and other goodies coming soon, I promise.

More Nekkid Ladies

I’m working on some big commissions that I can’t show you guys, so it’s tits ahoy for now! Our model this week was the lovely Laura, whose classical features were super fun to draw. Until next time!

Back On The Wagon

To further combat the dreaded ARTRUT, I returned to figure drawing this week! Had a blast and got some good sketches done to boot. I’ll definitely be making this a weekly thing. Julie was an amazing model. I had so much fun drawing her. Also tackled some watercolor and ink for the longer poses. That’s all the … Continue reading Back On The Wagon

Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)

Last night I finally made it out to a Dr. Sketchy’s meeting in Portland and boy howdy am I glad I did. Awesome people, sweet prizes (lascivious burlesque paper doll book, anyone?), good drinks, and a fabulous model. What more can a girl ask for? I spent the night mostly challenging myself to bust out … Continue reading Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)

The Figure: Semester Recap (NSFWish)

Yes, yes, it’s another figure drawing post so, y’know, the occasional boob may have snuck in. Be warned. *** Since it’ll be a few days before I get around to properly photographing the Wherefore container, I thought I’d entertain you all with some coursework. Here’s a selection of gesture drawings, anatomical/foreshortening studies, and a series … Continue reading The Figure: Semester Recap (NSFWish)

That's all! Go home!