Under the Hood

A convenient way to grab all my Seacritters updates in one place.

Laid Low

No one was asking me to work, so I could actually work.

A Rare Appearance!

Remember when I used to do events? Me neither.


A Blaze of Kindness

“We learn by imitation: it’s easy to say these things, but to see them in action, in much harder circumstances than we will ever face, is a far greater help. And to see them exemplified by real, flawed, complicated people like us is better still; they are not fairly-tale ideals, they are achievable. Real people achieved them.”

Drawing Board Dispatch

I just posted my second monthly update on Seacritters! over on Patreon. If character design notes and thoughts about capacity and sustainable pacing for making graphic novels and also goofy bespoke dancing gifs appeal to you, get thee hence.

Visual Dispatch #5


Announcing: 100 Demon Dialogues

Hi friends, Big, big news today! My latest project, 100 Demon Dialogues, is now live on Kickstarter! For the past three months, as part of the 100 Day Project, I’ve been illustrating a daily dialogue with the little voice in my head who tells me I’m no good. (You might recognize him from my Inktober … Continue reading Announcing: 100 Demon Dialogues

That's all! Go home!