
Part of me feels sad that the hype machine burns out so quickly, other parts are happy that these small-scale experiments go to ground.

Wonders of the Sea

That time a very ugly cover led me down a rabbit hole of illustrative magic.

A Truly Magnificent Thing

Interactive! Illustrated! Compendium! …OF ROCKS! This is one of those situations where the “About the Project” page contains just as many delightful surprises as the project itself. Just a treat from start to finish. (Reminiscent of An Ocean of Books, a project I blogged about back in November of 2020.)

Welcome, baby.

Historically, there’s been an element of exhaustion or overstimulation in the work I make due to it being tied in so many respects to social media. The energy of being on Twitter or Instagram bleeds into everything from the pace of production to the pressure to reach more people. Even if I’m enjoying making the art, there’s this extra stuff that I don’t quite know what to do with.

But this book felt different.

Nesting and Turning

My working theory is that the silence and the sunshine and the singing are key materials of the nest I am always building, to hold whatever thoughts, feelings, rhythms, and ideas become my poems. Tara writes a monthly guest column on Nicole‘s blog. Every installment holds several gems, but her latest is particularly gemful. The … Continue reading Nesting and Turning

Visual Dispatch #1

A Life in Objects: PDF & Print Edition

As you may’ve noticed, I’ve spent the last three(ish) months working on The 100 Day Project, a creative game of sorts where participants try to create something every day for 100 days. I chose to illustrate meaningful objects from my life with little vignettes of text. The final collection, A Life in Objects, is now … Continue reading A Life in Objects: PDF & Print Edition

Light in the Eyes

Something a little different today: a process GIF from a recent illustration commission! This cat portrait was done start-to-finish in Manga Studio with Frenden’s blue pencil and Hairpin Sable inker brushes. You notice how the cat really comes alive in that last frame when the white highlights in the eyes come into play? Every time … Continue reading Light in the Eyes

New Merch: “Fair Winds” & “Blissful Indifference” Postcards

I’m releasing two new postcard designs this week! They’ll be coming in sets of 5 for $5—a mere buck-a-postcard—so hop over to my store to pre-order, or read on to learn more. Many moons ago I drew this in a sketchbook to celebrate the passage of time and its marvelous effect on giving a shit about … Continue reading New Merch: “Fair Winds” & “Blissful Indifference” Postcards

The Ornithology of the American Lesbian

If you follow me elsewhere on the Internet you’ve probably already seen that I illustrated this feature for BuzzFeed on The Ornithology of the American Lesbian. The writers gave me a ton of freedom when it came to matching birds and humans, so I got to run wild picking my favorite avian friends. Challenges included accurately translating … Continue reading The Ornithology of the American Lesbian

That's all! Go home!