Tag: imposter syndrome
Tonight I opened Twitter, exhausted from another long day of menial tasks laden with outsized emotional significance because they all have to do with moving, to find this tweet from Beck Tench.1 The thread that follows? I love it more than words can express. This is one of those moments where I wish there was … Continue reading Selves
Imposter Syndrome in Our Own Words
I’ve just released two new recordings featuring diverse creators in Chicago and San Francisco dishing the dirt about their battles with Imposter Syndrome. Listen in!
100 Demon Dialogues Tour: Leg 2
Hi everyone! I’m back from a frankly ridiculous month of touring across the Midwest and down the East Coast, which means it’s time to announce the dates for Leg 2 of the 100 Demon Dialogues Tour. But first, some stats about Leg 1: PRETTY HECKIN’ COOL, RIGHT? I feel very accomplished. Also very tired. Turns out moving house … Continue reading 100 Demon Dialogues Tour: Leg 2
100 Demon Dialogues Hits the Road
Sound the trumpets, y’all. I’m taking my latest collection of comics, 100 Demon Dialogues, on the road for the next two months! This has been a whirlwind season of planning, and I’m so glad to be at the point where I get to share it with all of you. Here’s the details for Leg 1 … Continue reading 100 Demon Dialogues Hits the Road
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 7
This is it, everyone! It’s Day Seven of Inner Critic Investigation Week, the writing prompt series I’ve been collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton. The rules are as follows: Get a pen and a sheet of paper. Set a timer for six minutes. WRITE. Ask your Inner Critic the question and find out what they … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 7
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 6
It’s Day Six of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! Our goal is to help you develop a dialogue with your Inner Critic as if it were a separate, living character. I’ve found this massively helpful for understanding what’s in my way when I sit down to make work. … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 6
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 5
It’s Day Five of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! Our goal is to help you develop a dialogue with your inner monologue and better understand why your brain keeps trying to stop you from making work. The rules are as follows: Get a pen and a sheet of … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 5
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 4
It’s Day Four of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! We’re hoping these prompts can give you all some insight into what your little jerks are thinking and feeling as they go about trying to stop you from making creative work. The rules are as follows: Get a … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 4
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 3
It’s Day Three of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! We’re hoping these prompts can give you all some insight into what your little jerks are thinking and feeling as they go about trying to stop you from making creative work. The rules are as follows: Get a … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 3