Indie Comics & Publishing Panel Tomorrow

What ho, blog friends! Just wanted to let you know I’ll be appearing on a panel in Portland tomorrow as part of this neat event called The Wild. If you have an interest in print goodness, why not stop by to hear Sarah Mirk, Zack Soto, Francois Vigneault, and yours truly discuss the state of comics … Continue reading Indie Comics & Publishing Panel Tomorrow

Melville & The Peking

I recently had the pleasure of doing some illustrations for my friend Justin Hocking, whose forthcoming memoir, The Great Floodgates of the Wonderworld, will be released next September from Graywolf Press. Justin is the Executive Director of the Independent Publishing Resource Center, where I got my Certificate in Comics and Independent Publishing. If any of you Portland folk don’t … Continue reading Melville & The Peking

Slew of Stuff

Well well well. It’s been a while. I know. Believe me. But things have been happening! Good things! Some of them are even comics related! So let’s get on with that. If any of you happen to pick up a shiny copy of the IPRC’s July + August catalog in the next couple weeks, you’ll … Continue reading Slew of Stuff


Ladies and gents, though I am sick as a very sick dog, I have spent the majority of my Spring Break slaving away in order to bring you new visual goodies. AND HERE THEY ARE. Well, in part. A couple larger illustrations from my final project for the IPRC program. The story, which I’m trying … Continue reading Wherefore

Revolution (NSFW)

To tide everyone over while I scramble around for documentation of other recent projects, here’s a quick one page comic for a zine the IPRC class is putting together. The theme was “revolutions.” Churned this out in a couple hours with no reference, so on the one hand I’m proud of the bits where all … Continue reading Revolution (NSFW)


Hey world! This post is chock full of news. CHOCK FULL. STAND BACK. First: did some hourly comics for Hourly Comics Day this year. First time trying this, made my inner critic scream with rage, which probably means it’s the sort of thing I should do every day in order to get over myself. Also: … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2011 (AND OTHER MEASUREMENTS AS WELL)

Collaborative Goodies

More on the backlog of things I’ve been doing in the past month! One of our recent assignments was to illustrate a script written by one of the students in the prose class. I was fortunate enough to get paired with Michael Heald, a very talented writer who nonetheless had the merciful impulse to keep … Continue reading Collaborative Goodies


Heed no rumors of my demise, Internet. It’s just that glorious time of year known as “Finals,” and I have been a very busy bee. To prove that I am not just bluffing about this, and that even in the heat of papers and exams, I am still finding time for comics, here’s a very … Continue reading Proof!


Well, as a reward for having laid out Baggywrinkles at long last, the Universe decided to bless me with the magical gift of a Facet Joint Syndrome flare-up last week. The details are unimportant, aside from that fact that it involved lots of pain. Fortunately, thanks to the magic of modern medicine, I’m slowly recovering … Continue reading Knottage

That's all! Go home!