Tag: live sketching
“All right, then, annihilate me”
Caught an excellent, all-too-brief conversation between Austin Kleon and Sarah Ruhl on YouTube earlier today and took some sketchnotes.
Redwood Live Sketches from Portland Center Stage
A selection of live sketches from the dress rehearsal of Redwood, a world premier play showing at The Armory theater in Portland.
Zombie in Love at Oregon Children’s Theater
Last weekend I was super thrilled to visit the Oregon Children’s Theater to live sketch their production of Zombie in Love — a world premier musical based on the children’s book written by Kelly DiPucchio and illustrated by Scott Campbell. OCT invited Mike Russell and I to come draw one of the performances, and it turns out they also invited Scott Cambell … Continue reading Zombie in Love at Oregon Children’s Theater
Don Giovanni: Boners Ahoy
So, as some of you may know, I attended a rehearsal of Don Giovanni earlier this week, courtesy of the Portland Opera. The company runs this great outreach program where cartoonists come and live sketch rehearsals in the days leading up to the show. I’m no opera buff, but the experience was fantastic. Stellar cast, … Continue reading Don Giovanni: Boners Ahoy
Live Wire! Radio & Other Escapades
Busy times, everyone! I’ve got a recap of the last couple weeks (including the awesomeness that was VanCAF) up over on the Kickstarter blog, and since I’ll be bum deep in fulfilling rewards for the next lifetime I’m going to let that speak for itself for now. In the meantime I’ve been buzzing around Portland … Continue reading Live Wire! Radio & Other Escapades