Tag: lucy bellwood
“Sunshine permeates. Blooming permeates. Celebration permeates. Refuge permeates.”
New Comic: We-Vibe Sync Review
I’m back with an appearance on today’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy! It’s been a spell since my last guest comic for Matt and Erika’s charmingly sex-positive series, so I’m thrilled to return and help them with their, eh-hem, overflow of supplies. Check out my full review of the We-Vibe Sync here!
Cohabiting with Your Inner Critic: a 100 Demon Dialogues Workshop
Heads up, San Diego! I’ve got an extra-special workshop planned for my stop on your sunny shores next month, and I wanted to make sure you all had dibs on tickets. I’ll be teaming up with San Diego Writers, Ink, a local literary organization, to teach a class on August 17th. Here’s a little more info … Continue reading Cohabiting with Your Inner Critic: a 100 Demon Dialogues Workshop
100 Demon Dialogues hits San Francisco
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to give you the heads up that my big summer book tour is hitting the Bay Area this week. You can find me at 826 Valencia’s PIRATE SUPPLY STORE this Wednesday evening for a big 100 Demon Dialogues event (RSVP and further details here). I’ve invited three lovely, smart folks … Continue reading 100 Demon Dialogues hits San Francisco
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 6
It’s Day Six of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! Our goal is to help you develop a dialogue with your Inner Critic as if it were a separate, living character. I’ve found this massively helpful for understanding what’s in my way when I sit down to make work. … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 6
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 5
It’s Day Five of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! Our goal is to help you develop a dialogue with your inner monologue and better understand why your brain keeps trying to stop you from making work. The rules are as follows: Get a pen and a sheet of … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 5
Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 3
It’s Day Three of the Inner Critic Investigation series I’m collaborating on with writing coach Deb Norton! We’re hoping these prompts can give you all some insight into what your little jerks are thinking and feeling as they go about trying to stop you from making creative work. The rules are as follows: Get a … Continue reading Inner Critic Investigation Week, Day 3
Curiosity and Creative Mornings
Hi friends, I am very excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at Creative Mornings this Friday (October 6th) at 8:30am at the Armory Theater here in Portland. Creative Mornings is a free monthly lecture series where speakers appear on stages all over the world to deliver thoughts on a communal theme—all before 10am on a … Continue reading Curiosity and Creative Mornings
Announcing: 100 Demon Dialogues
Hi friends, Big, big news today! My latest project, 100 Demon Dialogues, is now live on Kickstarter! For the past three months, as part of the 100 Day Project, I’ve been illustrating a daily dialogue with the little voice in my head who tells me I’m no good. (You might recognize him from my Inktober … Continue reading Announcing: 100 Demon Dialogues
New Comic: Who IS Wonder Woman, Anyway?
Greetings, friends! I’ve got a new comic in the world! There’s a lot of talk about Wonder Woman in the world right now, thanks to the new film about her opening this weekend, but who is she really? You can head over to The Nib today to read all about her history as a feminist icon, patriotic … Continue reading New Comic: Who IS Wonder Woman, Anyway?