Supplemental Video

We all want to be patted on the head. We all want to know we are part of the tribe.

Under the Hood

A convenient way to grab all my Seacritters updates in one place.

Laid Low

No one was asking me to work, so I could actually work.

“What I’m having is fun.”

“He’s welcome to it!”


It all takes such a long time.


To paint the sea: is it a process or is it a state? Maybe one leads to the other? Anna Iltnere, discussing Philip Hoare’s Risingtidefallingstar

More Good Drawer (Part 1)

Thoughts on perfectionism and learning and making do with what you’ve got.

Old Post-It

So much of this process is just trying to build a system that tells my brain I’m okay.

Drawing Board Dispatch

I just posted my second monthly update on Seacritters! over on Patreon. If character design notes and thoughts about capacity and sustainable pacing for making graphic novels and also goofy bespoke dancing gifs appeal to you, get thee hence.

“I do believe I’m still open.”

“Then I missed what I have now, what I felt uncertain I would ever be able to create, and now I miss what I had then, what I fear I might never be able to get back.”

That's all! Go home!