Tag: tall ships
Down to the Seas Again at Sequential Art Gallery
Big big big news, everyone: I have my first-ever solo show opening a week from today at Portland’s Sequential Art Gallery! Down to the Seas Again will collect all my original art from this summer’s voyage aboard the Charles W. Morgan, the last wooden whaling ship in the world. I’ve been slaving away over this … Continue reading Down to the Seas Again at Sequential Art Gallery
Boston Travelogue Now Available via Patreon
Greetings, friends! For those of you not currently involved in my Patreon page, I just wanted to put the official word out that I’m updating my Boston travelogue comic there with a new page every week for Patrons pledging $1 a month or more. There are several patronage levels that nab you a variety of … Continue reading Boston Travelogue Now Available via Patreon
Boston Bound
The time is upon us! I’m departing for Boston this evening for a week of historical research and sailing aboard the Charles W. Morgan, an original 1840s wooden whaling ship. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, feel free to refresh your memory with this post. I’ve got some fun stuff scheduled for … Continue reading Boston Bound
Summer Travels: The 38th Voyage
Big news, friends! I’ve been selected to participate in a fellowship program through the Mystic Seaport Maritime Museum this summer, sailing aboard the last wooden whaling ship in the world — the Charles W. Morgan. This is a huge thrill, and promises to be the catalyst for a new installment of adventurous nautical comics. Just look at this … Continue reading Summer Travels: The 38th Voyage
Baggywrinkles #4 is Here!
WOW. Wow. I can’t process into words how amazing TCAF was this year, so I’m just going to cut to the chase and let you all know that Baggywrinkles 4 was a monstrous hit this weekend, and now it’s time to put the comic into general release for all of you to enjoy! There are … Continue reading Baggywrinkles #4 is Here!
Vancouver Maritime Museum Installation
Some of you may recall I was doing some illustration work for the Vancouver Maritime Museum last month. Their Art of the Sailor exhibit opened this week, and Alina Anghel (of the Vancouver Trolley Company Blog) was kind enough to snap a photo of my giant poster on the wall!  The exhibit runs through October, so … Continue reading Vancouver Maritime Museum Installation
HMS Rose
Wrapped up this little painting today. Aren’t boats just the best?
Baggywrinkles #3 – Parts Unknown
Nautical enthusiasts and beloved shipmates, rejoice! Baggywrinkles #3 is now available online for your reading pleasure. This issue covers the sailor’s rig, period-appropriate clothing, and the mysterious science of the foretopmast’ays’l. If you’d like to own a physical copy of the comic, you can pre-order one here! The current printing should be finished and bound … Continue reading Baggywrinkles #3 – Parts Unknown
Melville & The Peking
I recently had the pleasure of doing some illustrations for my friend Justin Hocking, whose forthcoming memoir, The Great Floodgates of the Wonderworld, will be released next September from Graywolf Press. Justin is the Executive Director of the Independent Publishing Resource Center, where I got my Certificate in Comics and Independent Publishing. If any of you Portland folk don’t … Continue reading Melville & The Peking
Baggywrinkles 1 & 2 Now Available Online! (Fo’ free)
If you’ve been out there itching to show your friends the magic of Baggywrinkles without having to buy tangible copies of the comic, then boy howdy is this the post for you! I’ve just made both issues available online in their entirety because I love you all and really, it’s about time. Furthermore, the amazing … Continue reading Baggywrinkles 1 & 2 Now Available Online! (Fo’ free)