Tag: therapy
One Thing Several Ways
“We are living through a transformative and dangerous era.”
Current Feelings (But Also Actually Past Feelings)
“It’s rare that I feel dreadful while I’m having my tea and scrawling pages into my journal outside in the sun first thing in the morning, so whatever’s coming for me today will, at the very least, abate for a half hour tomorrow. This helps to remember.”
More Good Drawer (Part 1)
Thoughts on perfectionism and learning and making do with what you’ve got.
Brace, Ebb, Theft
When I make light of this season—either because I’m afraid of it, or embarrassed that it’s happening to me, or something else—I rob myself of the chance to feel my way through into whatever comes next.
“I’m so tempted to just go—not tell anyone, just load everything up and leave.” She narrows her eyes. “Can we unpack that for a minute?” Maybe I protest too much, but it’s not what it looks like! I’m no thief in the night! I’m not trying to desert my friends! We do all our socializing … Continue reading Turncoat
“If everyone’s social media experience looked like your social media experience I think people would want to be on social media a lot more.” I’m in therapy. I mean, I’m in my house, same as every other day, but I’m looking at the particular video call window that corresponds to “being in therapy” and my … Continue reading Stumbling