2021 in Reading: The Big List

Everything I read in 2021 in a big list. Does what it says on the tin.

2020 in Reading: The Big List

The landing outside our bedrooms is tiny—barely big enough for one person to stand alongside the single floor vent that’s supposed to heat the entire upstairs. But! There’s enough wall space for two tall pieces of paper, so that’s where Zina and I have kept our reading lists since 2015. I’ve never really gotten into … Continue reading 2020 in Reading: The Big List

It’s 2015! Let’s Rumble

In previous years I’ve been really inspired by my studiomate Natalie Nourigat‘s year-end wrap-up posts, so I thought I’d do one of my own for 2014/2015! I spent most of December in California with my family—my first trip home in a whole year—getting some much-needed perspective on 2014 and hashing out some concrete plans for … Continue reading It’s 2015! Let’s Rumble

That's all! Go home!