
I just know that when I read it I felt personally attacked in that good, awful way that means something true is surfacing.

Internet Kismet

“I haven’t lived with that long enough to paint it.”

Heroics (Addendum)

I’m becoming increasingly wary of any label that obscures our reliance on one another and denies us our wholeness as human beings.

What Do You Call It?

“I thought by the time I was doing this I’d be with someone.” I cried when I told her—another one of the myriad griefs threading through this kintsugi year: that not being in a romantic partnership somehow rendered me incapable of facing my father’s decline. But when I was writing the FAQ about my move, … Continue reading What Do You Call It?

2020 in Reading: The Big List

The landing outside our bedrooms is tiny—barely big enough for one person to stand alongside the single floor vent that’s supposed to heat the entire upstairs. But! There’s enough wall space for two tall pieces of paper, so that’s where Zina and I have kept our reading lists since 2015. I’ve never really gotten into … Continue reading 2020 in Reading: The Big List

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