Redwood Live Sketches from Portland Center Stage

A selection of live sketches from the dress rehearsal of Redwood, a world premier play showing at The Armory theater in Portland.

Ocean Sciences Meeting ’18

Hello everybody, I’ve got an amazing opportunity to exhibit at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting here in Portland this week (AKA the most impressive gathering of marine science folks in the country) and I wanted to invite you all to come along. I’ll be displaying original pages from (and giving away copies of) Mappin’ the Floor, the … Continue reading Ocean Sciences Meeting ’18

Curiosity and Creative Mornings

Hi friends, I am very excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at Creative Mornings this Friday (October 6th) at 8:30am at the Armory Theater here in Portland. Creative Mornings is a free monthly lecture series where speakers appear on stages all over the world to deliver thoughts on a communal theme—all before 10am on a … Continue reading Curiosity and Creative Mornings

Linework NW This Sunday

Hey Portland! I’m making a hometown appearance at Linework NW this weekend. This fantastic indie comics and illustration festival boasts a unique format with two completely different sets of exhibitors Saturday and Sunday. This means you can only find me there on Sunday (at Table 24B), but should totally show up both days to take full advantage … Continue reading Linework NW This Sunday

GWS Guest Strips Up and Running

Big week, friends! While I’m still away doing Boat Stuff in Boston, my five-strip guest arc for Danielle Corsetto’s delightful series Girls with Slingshots begins running TODAY. Check back on the GWS site each day this week to follow Hazel and Jamie in their quest for reasonable underwear. I promise it will be a thrilling ride. … Continue reading GWS Guest Strips Up and Running

Alt Tango Weekend Poster

Forgot to put up this poster design I did for an upcoming Portland dance event! Hooray for tango!

Indie Comics & Publishing Panel Tomorrow

What ho, blog friends! Just wanted to let you know I’ll be appearing on a panel in Portland tomorrow as part of this neat event called The Wild. If you have an interest in print goodness, why not stop by to hear Sarah Mirk, Zack Soto, Francois Vigneault, and yours truly discuss the state of comics … Continue reading Indie Comics & Publishing Panel Tomorrow

Don Giovanni: Boners Ahoy

So, as some of you may know, I attended a rehearsal of Don Giovanni earlier this week, courtesy of the Portland Opera. The company runs this great outreach program where cartoonists come and live sketch rehearsals in the days leading up to the show. I’m no opera buff, but the experience was fantastic. Stellar cast, … Continue reading Don Giovanni: Boners Ahoy

That's all! Go home!