Ramble #35

We got owls! We got frogs! We got THE MOON. Yes, it’s another Ramble, coming to you live from the Meadows Preserve in Ojai, California. For those of you new to the practice: I record these walk-and-talks every so often as a way to keep track of where my head’s at. If you’d rather read … Continue reading Ramble #35

Sketchnotes: For the People

Notes from a recent informational webinar run by For The People, a fantastic team aiming to get more people actively involved in defending and championing libraries. This was well-timed, since I wanted to check out volunteer opportunities with our local Friends of the Ojai Library organization, but Katie, Mariame, Tara, and their colleagues inspired me … Continue reading Sketchnotes: For the People

Laid Low

No one was asking me to work, so I could actually work.


New voyages on the horizon for Hōkūleʻa.

Redwood Live Sketches from Portland Center Stage

A selection of live sketches from the dress rehearsal of Redwood, a world premier play showing at The Armory theater in Portland.

Hourly Comic Day 2018

It’s time for another installment of my favorite comics holiday: Hourly Comic Day! Every year on February 1st, creators around the world draw a panel (or panels) for every hour they’re awake. This is my eighth year participating, and I love it more and more each time around. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on where I’m … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2018

SPX Comin’ Atcha

This is it, friends! My last convention of 2017! If you’re in the D.C. area, come on out to Bethesda, MD for the Small Press Expo this Saturday and Sunday. SPX boasts an amazing roster of indie comics folks, and I’m so excited to be returning this year. I’ll be camped out at Table K9-A alongside the … Continue reading SPX Comin’ Atcha

A Life in Objects: PDF & Print Edition

As you may’ve noticed, I’ve spent the last three(ish) months working on The 100 Day Project, a creative game of sorts where participants try to create something every day for 100 days. I chose to illustrate meaningful objects from my life with little vignettes of text. The final collection, A Life in Objects, is now … Continue reading A Life in Objects: PDF & Print Edition

The 100 Day Project

Those of you following me on social media may’ve noticed a new series of drawings going up over the last couple weeks! I’m participating in The 100 Day Project, which comes to us via Elle Luna and The Great Discontent. The premise of this project is simple: make something every day for 100 days. That’s all. … Continue reading The 100 Day Project

Inktober-In-Progess: Dealing with Demons

As you’ve probably all noticed, this month’s Inktober challenge has morphed into something of a themed exercise for me. I’ve been illustrating my horrible little self-doubt demon in his many forms, trying to name some of the fears and anxieties that everyone deals with (in one form or another) when they sit down to make … Continue reading Inktober-In-Progess: Dealing with Demons

That's all! Go home!