Grand Adventure Reviewed on Comics Bulletin

TinyPagesMadeofAshes3Woke up to a lovely review of Grand Adventure from Mr. Jason Sacks in Comics Bulletin’s small press review column this morning. Here’s an excerpt:

Because she’s so honest with her emotions as the three weeks go by, we don’t just get a set of images about Upper Elves’ Canyon and Tequila Beach in this comic; instead, readers feel part of Lucy’s reactions to the events and see ourselves in her excitement and worry and absolute joy. It’s similar to hearing a smart friend telling a series great stories over lunch about her fantastic times spent immersed in the Grand Canyon’s splendor.

Thanks, Jason! You can read the whole review over here on Comics Bulletin (scroll to the bottom for the review). If you’d like to purchase a copy of Grand Adventure to see what all the fuss is about, you can order a physical one here or a digital one here!