Hey Vancouver! I’m headed back to Canada this weekend for VanCAF, which means more fun with Canadian pals and more chances for you come see some awesome cartoonists conveniently gathered under one roof FO’ FREE! You can find me at Table E7 in the Roundhouse Community Centre in Yaletown on Saturday (10am – 6pm) and Sunday (11am – 5pm). Click the map below for a full exhibitor list and event schedule PDF!

I will also be moderating a panel all about building comics communities with some of my favorite pals. We’ll be representing casual meet-ups (Drawing Night), nonprofit organizations (Cloudscape Comics), professional shared workspaces (Periscope Studio), and online camaraderie (Shanahanigans Live). Here’re the details:
Drawing People Together: Comic Communities
Saturday, May 24th 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Hosted by: Lucy Bellwood
Featuring: Ed Brisson, Jeff Ellis, Katie Shanahan, Steven Shanahan
It can be hard making your way in comics, and nothing can be more valuable to a professional than the constant inspiration, energy, and networking that a community can provide. Come join comic leaders Lucy Bellwood, Ed Brisson, Jeff Ellis, and the Shanahan siblings as they discuss ways to connect with your peers and the benefit that comic communities can bring–both professionally and personally.
I can’t wait to see you all at the show. Bring yourselves, bring your friends, and bring your love for comics! Come say hi! I will probably look something like this: