It’s that time of year again, folks. 2015 Hourly Comics are here! Be warned there are mild boobs and sorta-I-guess spoilers if you’re committed to never knowing how Moby Dick ends? That’s all the warning you’re getting though.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the premise of this exercise, on February 1st cartoonists around the world attempt to draw a panel (or series of panels) for every hour they’re awake. The result is a tiny snapshot of everyone’s lives, which is generally a ton of fun. Google around and you should be able to find comics from many great creators. I’d recommend Eleanor Davis and Boum to start.

If you’d like to see previous HCD efforts, here’s 2014, 2013, 2012, and (gulp) 2011. It’s amazing to see how much my art’s changed year to year. My skills are improving but I’m also getting…tighter? More static somehow? Next year I’d like to draw straight to ink and loosen up a little—maybe work in something larger than my sketchbook to keep things flowing. Also it’s physically painful to me that these are uncolored pages. Nrgh, perfectionist tendencies.

ANYWAY. Comics. Have at ’em!

7 thoughts on “Hourly Comic Day 2015

  1. Hell yes, Laurelhurst Café! I love that place! Also love your comics, but that’s practically a given. 🙂

  2. Huh, thank you so much for the mention! I didn’t even know you read my stuff, I’m really flattered that you’d think my silly comics were worth mentioning here. Hope to meet you at ECCC or VanCAF!

    1. OF COURSE I READ IT 😀 Seriously I was really impressed that you and Eleanor did a strip an hour instead of just a panel. I’ll be at both shows, so we should definitely connect. Come find me if I don’t stumble across your table first!

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