Ramble #35

We got owls! We got frogs! We got THE MOON. Yes, it’s another Ramble, coming to you live from the Meadows Preserve in Ojai, California. For those of you new to the practice: I record these walk-and-talks every so often as a way to keep track of where my head’s at. If you’d rather read … Continue reading Ramble #35

More Good Drawer (Part 1)

Thoughts on perfectionism and learning and making do with what you’ve got.

Cheap Thrills

This is a fountain pen shaped like a shark. It costs less than four dollars.

A Life in Objects: PDF & Print Edition

As you may’ve noticed, I’ve spent the last three(ish) months working on The 100 Day Project, a creative game of sorts where participants try to create something every day for 100 days. I chose to illustrate meaningful objects from my life with little vignettes of text. The final collection, A Life in Objects, is now … Continue reading A Life in Objects: PDF & Print Edition

The 100 Day Project

Those of you following me on social media may’ve noticed a new series of drawings going up over the last couple weeks! I’m participating in The 100 Day Project, which comes to us via Elle Luna and The Great Discontent. The premise of this project is simple: make something every day for 100 days. That’s all. … Continue reading The 100 Day Project

31 Days, 31 Outfits – 2015

Those of you following me elsewhere on the Internet have probably already seen this year’s 31 Days, 31 Outfits challenge, but I finally got ’em all scanned and uploaded into a tiny army, so I figured it was time for an official post. If you’d like to compare notes with 2014’s 31 Outfits, you can … Continue reading 31 Days, 31 Outfits – 2015

30 Days, 30 Outfits

Happy New Year, readers! I’m looking forward to sharing a whole bunch of art stuff with you in the next couple weeks. Let’s begin here: In the interests of getting myself sketching more often, I resolved to draw whatever I was wearing over breakfast every morning this month instead of, say, checking Twitter on my … Continue reading 30 Days, 30 Outfits

Drawing Marathon!

Hey Gang! Sorry things have been a bit quiet over here. I’m currently deep in a Three-Project Wormhole thanks to some foolish treble-booking on my part, but NEVER FEAR. I am kicking ass and taking names in my usual style. The good news is this means lots of new stuff for you to look at … Continue reading Drawing Marathon!

Drapery Studies

I think I’ll have to take a hiatus from these in the coming weeks (too much work!), but here’s the most recent Artistic Veggies challenge: 25 Drapery Studies! Lots of new art and news coming in the next week or so. Stay tuned!

Spottin’ Blacks

More weekly challenge stuff. Focused on high-contrast faces this week to get more decisive about laying down blacks: And thanks again to everyone who came out to the workshops this week! It was great to see so many of you there. I’ve posted my lecture notes from the Freelance Badassery talk on Tumblr if you wanna … Continue reading Spottin’ Blacks

That's all! Go home!