The Shift

The past couple weeks have brought many things! Allow me to fill you in on them:

1. An unexpected family medical situation, which had me down at the UCLA Medical Center for four days, put a chaotic end to my summer. Fortunately, everything was resolved satisfactorily — aside from the fact that our family road trip to Portland had to be canceled. So I suddenly found myself trying to pack a carload of stuff into a very meager quantity of checked and carry-on luggage. Fortunately, via a series of compassionate airline workers and cunning bribes, I managed to stow away on a 747 bound for the Pacific Northwest with bags that very definitely did not fit the size/weight restrictions.

2. On that note: I have returned to Portland! Moving into a new house always involves a lot of “How did I amass all this useless SHIT?!” but it’s enjoyable nonetheless. Books are on shelves, which is always a good sign, and I’m going to pick up a new drawing table this afternoon! This will greatly assist in the process of producing MOAR COMICS.

3. I finished my latest binding project, a handmade cookbook for a dear friend, which can now be seen on the arty-type books page. Take a peek!

4. In the midst of all this chaos, Baggywrinkles Vol. 1 is being readied for its first proper print run. I’ve been hard at work designing and inking the covers and will hopefully be producing the first 100 copies very soon. Sneak peek at the progress: It’s going to be beauuuutiful.

I’m slowly wending my way through the halls of PayPal, too, so I’ll be able to sell copies directly through the Emporium when the time comes — watch this space!

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