A Collection of Small Things

Too many things on the brain, not enough energy to make them all into individual posts.


The first funeral I ever attended wasn’t for a family member; it was for a cartoonist.

True Believer PDF Free for FCBD 2015!

Happy Free Comic Book Day, everyone! I thought I’d celebrate by making one of my most meaningful comics available for you all as a PDF at no charge. True Believer (for those of you who’ve only arrived at this blog in the last couple years) was an autobiographical story I completed as part of my … Continue reading True Believer PDF Free for FCBD 2015!

True Believer Digital Downloads!

I thought the Waterlogged IndieGoGo campaign was going to be the most exciting news of the week, but it turns out there are more goodies in store! You can now acquire True Believer, my breakout comic from last year, as a high-quality digital download via Gumroad. I’m excited about this for a number of reasons, … Continue reading True Believer Digital Downloads!

Assorted Doings

Hello everyone! Still recovering from Emerald City over here, but I’m excited to say that I’m well into inking my story for Symbolia Magazine, which will basically be my full-time job for the next few weeks. Things will be quiet while I’m working on that, but afterwards it’ll be on to Baggywrinkles #4 and beyond! … Continue reading Assorted Doings

MERCH ALERT: Fight For Your Art T-Shirts Are Here!

                      Many thanks to Kevin Kirkemo, who snapped these beautiful shots, and to my sexy models: Kathleen Conahan and Denis Lemeshenko. If you’d like to snag one of these body-swaddling babies for yourself, you can find both Ladies’ and Men’s styles right over here.

The New Storefront is LIVE!

Hey everyone! I’ve got a lot of art lined up to start posting here this week, but before we get to that I wanted to let you all know that my new storefront is officially online! This means True Believer is now available to the general public, t-shirts are up for pre-order (probably ready within … Continue reading The New Storefront is LIVE!

VanCAF is Here! (And I Am Still Terrible at Blogging.)

News Item #1: I’M IN CANADA! As promised, I’ll be tabling at the first ever Vancouver Comic Arts Festival tomorrow and Sunday at the Roundhouse Mews in downtown Vancouver, B.C. I’ve made a handy map so none of you is in the least bit confused about where I’ll be located. My fabulous tablemates are Sam … Continue reading VanCAF is Here! (And I Am Still Terrible at Blogging.)

24 Hours

You guys remember when I was all excited about having hit $3,000 on the Kickstarter? Well, I’ve been remiss in not posting on the blog these past weeks, so things have gotten a little out of control. The campaign closes in 24 hours, right before I receive my diploma and graduate from college. Currently, the … Continue reading 24 Hours

Portrait Sketches – Spring 2012

The semester is almost over, which means it’s time to throw the fruits of my classtime labor up on the Internet for all to see. I was feeling frustrated with my ability to capture good likenesses of people, so for the last three months I’ve been drawing students from two of my conferences at Reed. … Continue reading Portrait Sketches – Spring 2012

That's all! Go home!